miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010


Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.


Here's an example of what I would like my students to do in order to plan their trip in a very detailed way to make the most of our time. They will create a geotag per day including what we will previously have decided to visit.

Ver LONDON TOUR en un mapa más grande

domingo, 11 de julio de 2010


Dear all, here I pasted my wiki address titled London Trip.

In this project, the students are supposed to work in groups. each group will be the responsible of a different aspect of this trip: searching information and deciding which places, buildings, etc... are more interesting to be visited. In fact, this project will be put into practice at the end of the year!! They must create their own trip.


lunes, 5 de julio de 2010


What do you know about St patrick's Day and this small and friendly creature? Here you are some information that will help you discover the questions above. You could start watching a video and listening to Celtic music.







Answer the following questions and post the answers in the blog in 3 days. Please, correct your classmates' mistakes.

What's St Patrick's Day?

When does it take place?

What do people celebrate and how?

Where is it celebrated?

What are the most important symbols in this festivity?

What is a leprechaun and how is it related to St. Patrick's Day?

Why is everything related to this festivity in green?

: Please, don't answer it on the blog, but write it down and practice to explain it to your classmates.

Why would it be interesting to find a leprechaun and what would you do in case you caught one?

To evaluate this task I will take into account:

- The answers are correct interms of content
- The answers are grammatically correct
- The originality at answering the final question
- The communicative skills during the short oral presentation related to the final query
- The correction of your classmates' job in case it is necessary

viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

My Alter Ego

Me as a teacher

Dear all!! I've created this blog for a summer course. Taking into account that we are supposed to talk about our teaching philosophy, I'll say that my idea is not only being an English teacher but also an educator, as I consider the contents are important but also helping them at being "good", polite and respectful people. Getting into more methodological aspects, I would say I like some of the new teaching technologies because they allow a more effective and funny class. However, I wonder if we, the teachers, are ready for so fast and big changes. Moreover, one of the aspects I'm most worried about is the infrastructure. Are all the laptops, the digital white board, digital books, etc... going to work without connection problems? I'm not pretty sure....

Please, find the image I've posted of myself and an image to show what my face will be at some point next year! (please, see the difference: the picture on the left represents teaching using traditional methods and the one on the right...guess it...new technologies??)

Please, feel free to write on my blog to share any ideas or experience you wish!!

See you soon!!